互联网·电子商务 200-499人 私营·民营企业
公司简介:杭州戈洛博电子商务有限公司成立于2009年,专业从事品牌网络营销,提供线上实体运营支持及品牌传播的智略性服务机构。 得益于戈洛博对品牌营销在电子商务发展的深刻认知和多类目品牌的全渠道运营管理经验,我们为品牌客户在电商渠道的品牌建设和发展提供解决方案,实现品牌,渠道和消费者的积极有效互动,达成品效合一的效果。 Hangzhou GLOBE E-commerce limited was found in 2009. As an intelligent services provider, we professionally perform in brand online marketing, offering online retail operating and branding support. Thanks to our deep perception in branding in E-commerce and experience of multi-category in full-channel operating, GLOBE provides brand building and developing in e-commerce solutions, to gain great effects in making positive and efficient interaction among brand, channel and customers.
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