广告·会展·公关 500-999人
自1948年大卫·奥格威创立以来,奥美始终致力于为客户的品牌,打造极具影响力及代表性的营销传播作品。时至今日,奥美作为屡获殊荣的整合创意网络, 其遍布 83 个国家的 131个办公室秉持“让品牌更有意义”的宗旨,为众多财富五百强公司及本土企业效力。通过为品牌运筹帷幄、创造体验、树立名声,奥美以六项核心专长:品牌策略、广告、消费者互动及销售、公关及影响力、数字化转型、战略合作,在每个维度里提供服务,满足品牌的需求。
about ogilvy
ogilvy has been producing iconic, culture-changing marketing campaigns since the day its founder david ogilvy opened up shop in 1948. today, ogilvy is an award-winning integrated creative network that makes brands matter for fortune global 500 companies as well as local businesses across 131 offices in 83 countries. the company creates experiences, design and communications that shape every aspect of a brand’s needs through six core capabilities: brand strategy, advertising, customer engagement and commerce, pr and influence, digital transformation, and partnerships.
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