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华安国际大酒店位于深圳罗湖区地王商圈,交通四通八达,是旅居人士的理想商务洽谈首选。酒店按照五星级标准设计,格调保留中国传统文化风尚,更融入时尚特色。客房宽敞舒适,超大的卫浴空间,并有行政客房、商务套房等,给与您不同的选择。酒店设有中西餐厅、多种大小规格宴会厅、康体中心等,我们贯彻华安集团“以人为本”的专业精神,热切期待您的光临,让您在城市之心享受最尊贵的居停。 huaan international hotel is located in the heart of shenzhen’s central, only 50 meters away from shun hing square (the landmark of shenzhen) and 2 minutes walk to the metro station, it is a convenient location for business, travel and entertainment. hotel decorated with an elegant mix of modern chinese styles, blend of east and west, combining the best of both worlds for a luxurious and elegant experience. all bedrooms are refined and luxurious; all sport spacious bathrooms. it has four restaurants to suit all tastes, conference rooms and private entertainment rooms capable of hosting all kinds of events, as well as a fitness center and beauty salon. huaan international hotel will make your stay in shenzhen both comfortable and memorable, as our world class service is certain to please.
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