应届毕业生 本科
负责洁净室,医疗空调系统和其他HVAC相关产品的销售,事业部管理,实现公司和个人销售目标。 Sales of Cleanroom, Medical Air conditioning systems and other HVAC related products achieve company and personal sales targets, and SBA management. 1 负责指定产品的销售目标的达成, 与总经理一起协商业务开发过程; Responsible for achieving the sales target of assigned products; Communicate the business development process with the Managing Director. 2 准备并实施业务发展计划和战略,包括市场、产品和组织。 Prepare and implement SBA business plan and strategy include market, products and organization. 3 负责团队成员的日常管理和培养。 Responsible for team members’ daily management and development. 4 开发和获得洁净室和空调系统新客户,不断的扩大客户群 Develop and acquire new customers within clean room and air conditioning industry/ HVAC and continuously extend the customer base 5 负责与德国总部团队的沟通 Responsible for the communication with team of German headquarters 6 推广品牌,增加市场占有率;与市场团队合作开发相关的推广材料/活动等,进行市场分析和产品开发活动; Promote brand and increase market share. In cooperate with Marketing teams to develop relevant sales promotion meterial / campaigns, etc. Carry out market analysis and engage in product development activities. 7 负责项目的运营管理 Responsible for project operation management 8. 根据业务的增长需要,发展内部组织和外部相关合作伙伴。 Grow internal organization and external related partners as needed according to business growth. 9.完成公司交办的其它工作。 Complete other works which was requested from the company.
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