应届毕业生 学历不限
College Counsellor Key Responsibilities: 1.Help develop the comprehensive University Counseling program for years 9-12. 2.Guide students and parents through the university search and application process. 3.Counseling workshops and network with Admissions Representatives to develop and maintain relationships with colleges. 4.Meet individually with Year 11 and 12 students to guide them through all facets of the college search and application process. This includes developing a college list and testing plans, writing essays/ supplements, preparing students for interviews, and all related activities relevant to application in a variety of countries. 5.Meet with families to help them understand the process and appropriate fit. Present at parent education programs. 6.Help develop the university counseling curriculum and teach classes on a biweekly basis. 7.Utilize CIALFO and other platforms to both keep students on track and to submit credentials to colleges and universities. 8.Take on assigned responsibilities/projects for the University Counseling office.Network with admissions officers to build the reputation including hosting visiting admissions officers and introducing them to the school. 9.Work with AP and A-LEVEL Coordinators and teachers to ensure completion of college requirements; 10.Write Counselor recommendation letters on a timely basis. 11.Initiate and facilitate the school- and grade-level college-related events or activities with other departments aiming to increase students’ and teachers’ awareness of colleges globally and related information such as entry requirements, policies, admission trends, etc. 12.Design and attend the in-house professional training Requirements: 1.Familiar with U.S and UK university admission requirements and application procedures for International students; 2.Experience of working in an International School or a multi-cultural setting as a college counselor for at least two years; 1.Experience with second language learners for at least one year; 2.Expertise in and a passion for your counselling and a genuine interest in working with teenagers; 3.Excellent communication skills, the ability to take the initiative and the flexibility to deal with change; 4.Enthusiasm, energy, creativity and the willingness to take challenges; 5.Self-driven and highly responsible for the job; 6.Proficient in both Chinese and English; 7.An interest in social and emotional counselling. 8.Bachelor degree in education, psychology, sociology, or related field is required (advanced degree in these areas is preferred) 主要职责:1.制定全面的9-12年级学生的个性化生涯发展计划2.指导学生和家长使用专业的工具搜索大学,了解大学申请过程3.通过升导讲座等形式建立和维持与大学招生办公室关系4.与9-12年级高中学生进行一对一升学咨询,指导他们见面,指导他们做好升学全方位的准备指导升学申请全流程,包括:大学列表,考试计划,文书写作,面试辅导,活动规划等。5.指导家长认识和理解大学准备的过程,参与面向家长的知识性升学讲座6.帮助制定并教授两周一次的升学指导课程7.使用CIALFO和其他升学管理平台追踪和管理学生的大学申请8.与AP和A-LEVEL协调员和教师合作,确保学生的各个方面达到大学要求9.为学生撰写升导推荐信10.与其他部门一起发起和推进学校和年级层面的升学相关活动,旨在提高学生和教师对全球大学的认识,包括入学要求、政策、录取趋势等相关信息。11.制定并参加部门内部的专业培训12.完成部门其他临时安排的工作岗位 要求:1.熟悉美国和英国大学对国际学生设置的入学要求及申请程序;2.有成功申请美国前30,英国G5的经验;名校背景优先3.在国际学校或多文化背景下担任至少两年的升导工作;4.对升学咨询具备应有的专业知识和热情,以及对与青少年一起工作的兴趣;5.良好的沟通能力,具备主动应对变化的灵活性;6.热情,有活力,有创造力和接受挑战的意愿;7.自我驱动,对工作高度负责;8.精通中英文;9.对社交和情绪技能咨询的兴趣。10.教育、心理学、社会学或相关领域的学士学位(高级学位优先) 薪酬福利体系: 1、舒适温馨的办公环境2、朝气蓬勃的工作氛围(积极进取的企业文化、年轻有活力的团队、与优秀人士为伍)3、完善健全的培训体系(导师制的培养制度,先育人、再用人)4、科学的职业提升计划(规划个人职业生涯,为自己工作、让工作成为您的事业)5、定期举行员工各种活动,丰富员工业余生活;6、高于同行业的薪酬制度及五险一金7、入职满一年后按工龄长短即开始有5-10天带薪年假;8、体贴完善的福利享受(医保、社保、公积金、各项补助;婚、产、丧假等全面福利;)9、多姿多彩的员工活动(海内外旅游及培训机会;定期文娱及庆生活动等)10、广阔的发展空间(公平的晋升制度,给想干者机会,给能干者舞台)11、丰富完善的业务知识及技能培训,免费海外培训及国际交流机会 职能类别:专业顾问 关键字:留学顾问销售经理留学规划师咨询顾问
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