售后质量工程师 Warranty Quality Engineer
应届毕业生 学历不限
职责描述:? Communicate with customer about the quality issue of warranty parts and field problems. Solve and follow up those issues on time. 与客户沟通质保期和售后件的质量问题,并及时解决和跟踪。? Responsible for statistics, analysis and dealing with the quality issue of warranty parts and field problems负责统计、分析、处理质保期和售后件的质量问题。? Feedback to customer concerning the analysis result on time. Be responsible for the counterclaim and following up what no caused by Brose.及时将分析结果反馈给客户,负责对于不是博泽产品问题提起申诉并跟踪结果。 ? Regularly report the statistical analysis data about the warranty parts and field parts. 定期汇报质保期和售后件的统计分析数据。? Adheres to Brose Beijing
800人关注 收藏职位 投递简历