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发布时间:2020-05-25 访问:792


since the recruitment information was released by teensen genesis school at the end of last month, the school mailbox has been overwhelmed by resumes. we are grateful for all education colleagues who pay attention to teensen and are willing to join us. we selected all the corresponding resumes, and sent out an interview invitation to the teachers who were shortlisted in the first round of interview on may 16.


on the morning of may 23, the first round of interview for teachers of teensen genesis school started as scheduled in huangjiahu campus of teensen. all interviewees will receive on-site assessment by an expert team composed of experts fromspecial-grade teachers from jiangxi province,academic leaders from nanchang,and nanchang teaching and research office .



there are more than 2000 applicants for the first time, of which 40% are with master degrees. after detailed examination, more than 200 applicants have passed the qualification examination and entered the first round of interview.


before 8 am, there are interview teachers waiting in line at the school gate. our school staff strictly follow the requirements of epidemic prevention deployment, and everyone is guided to wear a mask, scan the code to measure the temperature and enter the school.









"the campus is so beautiful, with small bridges, flowing water and trees"

"it's really a school in the forest park!"

"there are wetland park, agricultural research district and golf training ground"

"it's happy to think about taking students to study in such a beautiful environment!"


after watching the promo

teachers praised the campus environment and hardware supporting facilities of our school

teensen genesis school has attracted more fans~




the onsite assessment is divided into three parts. in the interview part, the candidate teacher should complete self statement, talent display and defense within 10 minutes, which is to inspect the image and on-the-spot adaptability of teachers. in the trial lecture part, the traditional form of recruitment is abandoned, and the expert assessment group specify the topics to be explained by the teachers on the spot, in order to investigate their teaching organization ability. at last, through the communication with the experts, the defense part investigates whether the teaching idea and comprehensive quality of the teachers meet the requirements of teensen genesis school.


mr. wang, a special-grade teacher in jiangxi province, is mainly responsible for the examination of the liberal arts group. he thinks that this kind of teacher selection method of teensen genesis school is very pragmatic. "there is little theoretical evaluation, and it mainly depends on the ability to solve problems in the classroom, which really achieves the selection of talents based on the classroom." "as a teacher, it should be with a combination of knowledge and ability. the assessment parts today are set up scientifically and effectively. with the multiple selection, the effect is very good from the overall situation. " mr. li, a famous teacher in nanchang, said truthfully.


"the overall level of these candidates is very high, which completely exceeds our expectations. among them, there are many good teachers with high comprehensive quality, scientific background and graduated from famous schools. it has to be said that the attraction of teensen genesis school is really great. " this is the same feeling of the expert team after the interview and assessment. "in the whole interview process, there are many teachers who are very serious, infectious and have the potential to become a good teacher. and there are also many teachers who possess strong teaching organization ability, which is very good."


nearly 2000 resumes have been selected for more than 20 days. more than 200 candidates have entered the first round of interview. behind the numbers, they are countless people who are passionate about education. we will continue to recruit colleagues and look forward to receiving your resumes.


撰写:jane 肖 依

编辑:wendy 贾西贝

翻译:sydia 熊文琪

视频:louis 胡 猜

leo 罗 睿

朗读:lucas 高旭东

blueberry 蒋佳颖

主编:jane 肖 依

总编:johnson 张世霖

—power by teensen media—


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