应届毕业生 本科
1. 负责教授高中艺术相关课程,全英文教学尤佳 Responsible for teaching high school Art relative subject to students, preferably using English in class. 2. 熟悉国际课程考试大纲,如IGCSE/A-Level和AP等 Familiar with international exam and syllabus such as IGCSE/A-level/AP 3. 根据课程大纲或学校要求的教学进度高质量地执行教学任务,按时高标准完成如课程安排、作业布置、单元测验等教学评测任务 Implement teaching according to the course syllabus or pacing chart with high quality, and complete course content and relevant assessments as planned e.g. assigning homework, conducting unit tests etc. on time 4. 在教学过程中密切关注学生的学习情况,及时对教学内容做出调整,随时跟进并向学科组长和家长反馈学生进步情况和课程进度 Pay closer attention to students’ learning and adjust teaching contents accordingly and timely; feedback to subject team leader and parents about students’ progress and pacing 5. 积极参与本学科的课程建设和教研活动 Actively take part in subject course development and design 6. 能够结合中西课程,确保课程能够最大程度激发学生学习意愿 Have ability to integrate Chinese curriculum and international curriculum; ensuring the curriculum is implemented in a way that maximizes student learning 7. 自愿或根据学科组长安排,开展课后课,指导学生社团活动及课外拓展项目 Voluntarily or as requested by subject team leader, open extra-curricular class, teach and support students’ clubs and other after-class enrichment programs 8. 按照安排对学生执行监督工作, 以及放学后或课间活动 Execute student supervision duties as arranged; and in charge of after-school or in-school activities 9. 按照学校要求,参加其他非教学相关工作和活动安排,如学生导师、班主任、学校或学科组项目、家长会、开放日、市场招生活动、职业发展培训等 Execute or participate in non-teaching related work and activities as arranged, such as student’s tutor, form teacher, school or subject team projects, teacher-parent meetings, open day, marketing and admission events, professional development trainings, etc. 10. 完成学校安排的其它任务 Other duties assigned by the school. Education
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