应届毕业生 本科
岗位职责: 1. Concept communication. Discuss with concept engineer before get the order. 方案讨论。在拿到订单前,需要与方案部门确认该项目方案的可行性。 2. Ensure information flow to team leader about new projects、new standard and so on. 确保所有方案端、标准化端的信息及时释放到设计团队。 3. Layout approval. Check the layout drawing and give the approval. 布局图审核。审核所有项目的布局图并签字。 4. Projects status checking. Monitor the status of each project to be under the control of timing and quality. 项目状态确认。追踪项目当前状态,控制交期和设计质量。 5. Technical Guidance. Give the project team a technical guidance and support during the project development. 技术指导。在项目开发期间,提供技术指导和支持。 6. Team management. 领导设计团队进行设计,负责项目团队技术管理。 任职资格: 1. At least over 5 years working experiences in mechanical non-standard production lines design or non-standard fixture design; 至少5年以上的非标自动化装配线或非标工装夹具设计经验 2. Bachelor degree or above in major of automation or Mechanical design; 学士学位及以上,且主修自动化或机械设计 3. Above CET4, good reading and speak ability of English. CET4级以上,良好的英语读、写、说能力
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