应届毕业生 本科
1. Develop new customer account and establish sales; 开发新客户和拓展销售 2. Achieve annual target on sales abd GP contribution; 完成年度销售任务; 3. Collect and report information on customer and market in defined reports 收集客户与市场信息,以报告形式及时反映数据; 4. Collect customer information from industry or publish sources. Make visit or cold call to establish relationship and understand customer needs; 从行业内和公共渠道中搜集客户信息,以拜访和电访的形式与潜在客户建立销售和进行客情维护 5. Understand our product portfolio and connecting it to customer's need. Communicates with customer to generate sales; 充分理解公司的产品属性,并将客户的需求与之相关联,通过与客户日常的沟通产生销售 6. Follow up with customer to provide after-sales service, collect feedback and assist to collect payment when necessary; 做好售后跟踪服务,收集客户反馈并协助汇款事宜; 7. Co-ordinate sales order to process and delivery between customer and our operation team to solve problems and ensure customer’s needs are met efficiently; 在客户以及公司营运部门之间起到沟通作用,协调处理订单问题,确保及时有效地满足客户需求 8. Ensure target GP is achieved by following proper pricing and negotiation with customer. Involve senior level manager when necessary; 配合公司内部销售管理,根据销售活动提供相关的内部销售报告; 9. Prepare internal documents as required on sales activities to enable effective sales management and internal control. 为达到有效的销售管理和内部监控而提供所需的销售活动报告 职位要求: 1. Above 5-8 years B to B sales experience in Dietary supplement /daily use chemical industry 5-8年以上膳食补充剂/日化产品销售经验 2. Bachelor degree in Food Science, Food Engineering, Bio Chemical or related major; 食品科学工程,生物化工等相关专业大学本科以上学历; 3. Basic English in reading
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