应届毕业生 本科
职责描述: Job Responsibilities; 1. 维护公司内部和外部网络稳定性及安全性; Maintain the safety and stability of internet for both internal and external 2. 确保公司各部门使用的系统稳定运行; Ensure that each department can use the system smoothly and stably 3. 线上会议后台支持; The background support for online meeting 4. 应急处理线上会议中的突发情况; Handle emergencies during online meetings 任职要求: Job Requirements; 1、要求具有英语口头及书面沟通能力;英语可以作为工作语言。 Fundamental English communication ability both in oral and written;English is required as the working language. 2、计算机等相关专业,本科以上学历; Majored in computer science and bachelor degree or above. 3、熟悉PC、服务器、网络打印机等设备; Familiar with PC、internet server and internet printer and other relevant equipments. 4、熟练电脑软件的安装; Familiar in installing relevant software on computers. 5、精通局域网的维护及网络安全知识; Master knowledge in local area network’s maintenance and security issues. 6、工作主动性强,耐心细致,有责任心,具备团队合作精神。 Actively for work、Pay attention to detail、Responsible and Team work spirit. 7. 了解AWS服务器优先考虑 Candidates with knowledge of AWS system will be considerred first 公司新项目,外资企业,薪资可面谈,入职即签订劳动合同,缴纳五险一金,周末双休,各节假日依照国家规定,年底超长带薪年假;人际关系简单,制度流程完善,计算机网络系统与国际接轨,优秀者薪资可谈。 This position is prepared for the new project of the company, foreign-funded enterprise. Once you are employed, we will sign labor contract with you, and you will get the benefit package such as five kinds of insurance and housing fund, take weekends and holidays according to national regulations, and take extra long paid annual leave at the end of the year. The interpersonal relationship is simple here, and there are perfect regulation polices, computer network system that is in line with international standards.
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