应届毕业生 学历不限
职位信息 Key Account Manager 大客户经理 NCAB Group is one of the leading PCB suppliers in Europe and USA, listed in Nasdaq/OMX stock exchange in NCAB集团是一家总部在瑞典斯德哥尔的纳斯达克上市公司,是欧美市场的主要PCB供应商。 Stockholm. The company was founded in 1993 and has companies in 17 countries in all over the world and now a turnover 公司成立于1993年,在17个国家设有分公司,2020年营收超过2.5亿欧元. of 250(M) EUR. Our products are mainly manufactured in China where we have an organization for strategic purchase and 我们的主要生产工厂在中国,在中国我们有策略采购和工厂管理的团队,有独立的销售分公司。 Factory Management focusing on quality control and continuous development of our factories.  JOB DESCRIPTION 职位描述 Investigate companies within the electronic sector in search of potential customers for NCAB Group. 行业调查,客户分析,寻找和开发潜在客户 Customer relations.与潜在新客户建立联系Prepare customer visits.客户拜访资料准备(客户行业分析,需求分析,客户竞争对手分析,NCAB竞争对手分析)Make customer visits. 新客户和既有客户拜访Make sales calls to already existing customers and new potential ones.潜在客户和现在客户跟进和维护,电话或当面拜访Make quote follow-ups with customer.RFQ跟进Use sales tools established for NCAB Group sales persons, for example presentation material, agenda and account plan.向客户演示PPT报告介绍NCAB,制定客户开发计划Register all activities and relevant information obtained regarding already existing customers and new potential ones through customer visits, sales calls, quote check up′s etc in CRM System.在公司系统中登记和维护客户信息,日程工作,如客户拜访
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