松陵镇 经验不限 大专
Welcome to join our young and energetic Rise Team! 欢迎加入年轻朝气的瑞思团队! As the fastest growing training organization in the world, RISE provides our employee with 作为全球发展最快的英语培训机构,我们为员工提供: Great career development opportunities 广阔的职业生涯发展机会 A complete package of social welfare and medical insurance 完备的社会保险 The best training in the industry 业内一流的专业岗位培训 Competitive salary 有竞争力的薪酬 All American style working environment 美式工作环境 岗位职责: Knowledge and Skills 1.向顾客提供专业的瑞思课程体系讲解; Create and show professional presentations of RISE courses to potential customers. 2.为顾客设计符合其需求的课程, 并促成其开始学习课程; Design suitable courses for potential customers and encourage them to enroll. 3.跟进课程费用的支付流程; Follow-up payment installment, guarantee the installments are paid on time and minimize cancellations. 4.按时完成工作计划,维护潜在顾客以及学员数据库; Maintain database of potential customers. 5.定期参加会议和培训,完成销售日报,合同修改等其他工作。 Other duties include: regular attendance of meetings and training sessions, Daily Sales Report, contract modification, and other various assignments. 任职要求: Personal Qualities: 1.具备良好的沟通能力和技巧,例如良好的英语听说能力,在交谈中善于观察,提出问题,表达观点等等; Good communication ability, such as listening and speaking, asking questions, expressing ideas and so on. 2.良好的应对解决问题的能力; High-level problem solving skills 3.具备合作精神,乐观的态度,良好的服务意识,高度的责任感和信任感,并适应在压力下工作; Be a team player with an optimistic attitude towards service, highly responsible and trustworthy with an ability to work under pressure. 4.诚实正直并具有良好职业道德; Highly values integrity and moral standards with a good work ethic. 5.大专及以上学历,销售、房地产、教育以及相关专业; College diploma or above in direct sales, hospitality, real estate or education. 6.熟练操作Windows 办公软件,例如:Windows XP, PPT, Excel 等等; Good at using Windows Office Software, e.g. Windows Words, PPT, Excel and etc. 7.瑞思学员家长或有抚养孩子经验者优先考虑。 You would be responsible for welcoming RISE studentsparents, or any parent who comes to visit the centers. 工作地址 吴江鲈乡北路207号 时代超市向北50米
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